Do you know the answer to REAL beauty? Do you work hard to make yourself look or feel beautiful, but feel like you are still missing the mark? Chances are you may be investing your time, money and energy into the wrong product line.
I’ve always known there was more to beauty than what’s on the outside (at least that’s what we’ve been told), but it wasn’t until recently that it truly clicked with me. The answer clicked in one of the strangest places you could imagine. Where do you think? Take a guess!
The answer to true beauty was presented to me during a visit to a local funeral home! Yes a funeral home! I went to visit and pay respects to an AMAZING man who made a difference in the life of many. He was a handsome, fun spirited man, loaded with wisdom and a kind heart. When walking up to see him, a family member said, “He looks so good. It was just so unexpected. He was so healthy and he looks so good.” All the time I am thinking, “What are you talking about? He doesn’t look good”. He doesn’t look like the man I just saw a month ago. Of course he was in his best suit, with the best make up, and the best jewelry, but there was something missing! He was missing! His beautiful spirit had disappeared. All the fancy clothes, the nice casket and the beautiful flowers, did not make him look like the man I remembered.
This experience confirmed some of what I already knew, but helped bring clarity to what is important when it comes to true beauty. Living in America, many of us are running around trying to live up to the fashion recommendations, keeping our nails and hair did, buying the best cars and running the rat race to do what we think we need to do to be wanted, beautiful and happy! When really all the money, time and energy invested in these tasks and items, leaves us stressed with bad attitudes wondering why we still don’t feel like we have enough or look good enough.
The answer to true beauty is not in the botox injection, it does not come from the Dillard’s makeup counter or from the scalpel the surgeon holds in his hands. True beauty really does come from within. The way you feel about yourself and how you treat others with gratitude, gratefulness and compassion, is what will determine your level of beauty. Think about it. Think about a time you saw someone who was just gorgeous! They seemed to have everything. The hair, the car, the great facial features and then all of a sudden they opened up their selfish, egotistical mouth. Instantly those great looks faded away and all you could hear was, “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” On the contrary, think of a time you met someone you considered a 5 on a scale of 1 -10. Then each day you got to know them and each day you saw their beautiful spirit of kindness and support, you suddenly became more and more attracted to someone whom you thought was a 5 and now looked like a 10!
It’s your spirit that makes you BEAUTIFUL! You can choose to start being BEAUTIFUL today! People will want to be around you, they will want to help you and they will admire the person you are versus the bank account you have. Beauty is delivered through your daily thoughts of yourself and others. All the pedicures, shoes and nice hairstyles, will never achieve the level of beauty a confident, healthy mind can achieve.
If you want to start achieving PURE BEAUTY today, start investing your time in to making your mind healthy. Start giving yourself selflessly to others in need. Stop striving to have more and start striving to love more. Live in the moment, while planning for the future. Really some of us may think others like us for our car, our body or our style. At the end of the day, the people that truly love us, barely see past our bright eyes and beautiful smiles, let alone notice your imperfect body or your nice nails.
Focus on being grateful for others, not envious. Know that no matter who you think has it better, we each have a story. We each have flaws. What makes us truly different is how we deal with our flaws and how we treat others as we get through this game called LIFE.
When you are gone, I can promise you, I, nor anyone else will care what you weighed, what you wore or how nice your car was. We will only remember the legacy you left and the beauty you shared through your spirit. Remember to value your true self and practice living Beautiful today!